I found these books on Amazon while browsing and saw their fantastic

reviews... I also listened to Patricia McConnell on a podcast recently and she seemed very interesting and honest. Of course I rushed right out to Borders to see if they were there, and only one was,
THE OTHER END OF THE LEASH. I had to purchase it and am glad I did. Still reading it and really enjoying it. I also listen to podcasts on my iPod while working and decided to try my first audio book to listen to as well.
FOR THE LOVE OF A DOG is in audio book format and an award winner and I see why. It's fantastic!! I am going to be so upset when I finish it because it's that good and I look forward to resuming the audio book daily while working. These books help you to really understand your dogs way of communicating. Highy recommended!! I just ordered the
Fiesty Fido book by her as well. It's about helping dogs with leash dog aggression (usually caused by fear) issues.
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