Friday, March 06, 2009

One of the many fun days, playing with other dogs!

Thorne had a great day with my hubby today up at Tufts Field. He was happily playing with other dogs and fetching sticks with them, just having a great time. They all walked together (with their owners of course) for awhile.  
Thorne's hormones are going crazy though, got a little too friendly with a female doggie. Rob put a stop to that.!
I hope we can hold out on neutering him 'till around 12 months like we planned. I firmly believe it is beneficial, as far as his growth goes, to neuter when they are a bit older, rather than the 6 months mark that has been pushed for decades.  His hormones tell the body when to stop growing and when they are removed too soon, the growth plates do not close when they are supposed to which could later lead to ligament tears and other injuries, particularly in the legs.

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