Thorne is 9 weeks old and growing fast! He is such a good boy. I mentioned in past posts about his play biting which he still loves to do but we see improvement and he's really getting to know us (wags his nub tail when he sees us).
He is a very fast learner and sits and gives paw on command. Almost has speak down but still working on him coming to us every time when called.
He has gone for walks on leash, met many more people and has potty training down for about 99 percent of the time. Not bad for one week :)
Caught him watching TV many times, he also looks right at you when speaking to him (when he's not focused on our other dog of course)....and I noticed tonight how good of a watch dog he is going to be. Took him out to go pee and after he did his business, he stood on top step looking in one direction. Non stop staring across the street as if he heard something. He stayed on top step in a proud stance watching. Then after he came in house, had his treat he went right over to the storm door again to continue to check out the area he was staring at. His Doberman traits are starting to show.
We are loving him :)

Funny story tonight: Rob had Thorne with him when he picked me up at work and two people at a red light were looking over at him because Thorne was laying his head on my shoulder...and they said " awww cute..." Then one of 'em said "it's a Dachshund"...Rob was like don't call my dog a Dachshund. It was funny. I don't think he will get mistaken for a Dachshund much longer as he continues to grow.
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