Been so busy with him, haven't had chance to post pics till now :) He is sleeping again in between energy spurts...lots of 'em!! Whew....sooo tired...gonna post this and go try to get zzz's before he gets up again.
Check out his latest pics here ----> Thorne the past three days...
He's been to the vet twice this past week (breeders and ours), met a few elderly people, met four kids between ages 2-10... went for many car rides... almost has potty training down and I taught him "sit" tonight...he might forget the sit thing by tomorrow though, lol. He hates his crate, whines LOUD in it...will not give up, either... I am about to give up on that though. He is a rough player, bites a lot. We are keeping at him on that. Very cuddly when he is tired. Likes to lay on our leg, shoes, anywhere near us. He is a rough and tumble , clutsy boy....has learned where our door is to go back inside after potty... seems to have a very good memory. That can be good and bad, oh yeah, we are in for a ride with him during his puppy years :)
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