Thorne turned 10 weeks old yesterday and he is growing quite fast. Tried grinding and clipping his nails today and he will not have anything to do with either. We might have to have vet clip 'em for awhile 'till he's used to it more. That worked for Maggie, she don't like it but I can cut a few a day because she's used to having it done at the vet.
Today he sat in front of Barnes and Noble bookstore to watch people, kids, strollers and cars. A few people stopped to pet him and he was very receptive to them, even gave 'em kisses on their hands. More socializing with him tomorrow :)
These photos posted with this blog entry are sooo cute. He is very Photogenic :)
Note: he was playing in yard with Maggie yesterday...I took pics and they are posted on Maggie's Blog.