Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Just over Six Months Old now .....

 Since our last post we re-weighed Thorne and he is 74.6 pounds. He's feels so solid when hugged....lots of muscle on this puppy. When he runs, he sounds like a horse galloping :)
Here is a link of the best pics from 2-6 months old (iphone users can view as well )

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thorne is officially 6 months old!!!

This past weekend he turned six months old and weighed in at 69 whopping pounds! He is such a sweet boy that loves giving kisses. Life is so much fun for him....all about playing day and night :)
We had some big snowstorms in our area and he seems to like the snow but gets cold quick.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!