It's been a little while since my last post....been busy with this beautiful energetic boy of ours. Took him to be weighed at the vet on Nov. 7th and he was 50 pounds :) He's such a sweetheart. His Dobie traits are coming through while he ages.... He watches us a lot (not just Maggie anymore) and he catches onto routines quickly.
He doesn't mind the many car rides at all, he actually uses it as rest time :)
He has been walking lots with us at Tufts and other trails, off leash! Want him to learn young to stick with us and he does great. Still reserved with people but this is a Doberman trait and just might always be that way. Never aggressive with people though...just doesn't care for them to pet him really. He sniffs their hand calmly and gentle. He loves to run and play with other dogs. He's going to be a fantastic adult dog, I just know it!! :) He loves giving kisses on our faces and on my mom's hand when she visits. He is a SWEETIE. Falling in love with this Dobe.
Check out some pics here of Thorne : First Five Months